About Me
Since my first steps into this world I have always been fascinated
and inspired by technology and science. At the earliest, I have
participated in FIRSTrobotics in my high school years. Entering a
experimental phase of college at University of Las Vegas Nevada, I
have entered the gaming era which eventually put me in the
position of Executive Administrator for our video game
organization Mario Party Wars. As I earned knowledge of core
education in UNLV, I decided to participate in Drone Racing. I was
required to build my drone from scratch, picking frame size,
motors, software chips, etc. Then I would put together the wiring
and program my machine to my specifications. Entered the MultiGP
league and done a few races, earning intermediate/silver status.
In my current years, I am now a web designer & engineer, and still
pushing beyond the horizon.
Software Developer
As a software developer I will be able to access all aspects of
technology from the inner workings. Currently I am well versed in
the Full Stack Web Development and Computer Science. I want to
learn and incorporate all fields of software engineering, and to
start towards cyber security(ethical hacking) and A.I.
Team Lead
As a team lead, I am able to use leadership skills from different
roles such as Scrum Master and Project Manager. Currently on a
daily basis, I am managing 5-10 students or several teams, having
a video & voice calls to give them instructions, help them code
projects, peer programming, and teaching new material. These
sessions can range from 30mins to 2hours, or more! I am able to
oversee more than 50+ people in a live Q&A session and provide
answers or point them in the right direction.